How We Use Web Components At Github
To build our modifier classes, we use Sass’s @each loops to iterate over a Sass map. This is especially helpful for generating variants of a component by our $theme-colors and creating responsive variants for each breakpoint. As you customize these Sass maps and recompile, you’ll automatically see your changes reflected in these loops. Bootstrap’s components are largely built with a base-modifier nomenclature. We group as many shared properties as possible into a base class, like .btn, and then group individual styles for each variant into modifier classes, like .btn-primary or .btn-success. Before extracting the Catalyst component, we remove the Catalyst-specific functionality and convert it to a plain Web Component. Icon List A component's privacy settings, contributors, tags, wikis, add-ons, and files are separate from the parent project. If you choose, driveshaftparts can inherit the contributors and tags of a parent project . Spinner Spinners are used to notify merchants th...